So I posted my last blog on Facebook with the comment, “I am trying to understand guns.” One of my friends zapped me back: “Understand how? The appeal? how they work? You’re an Okie girl…doncha have hunting in your family history?” Fair questions, all.  I have been thinking about this.  What is it, exactly, that […]

One of my secret pleasures is reading post-apocalyptic fiction. Much of it is badly written, and some stories have more horror than hope, but the good ones explore humanity’s response to collective crisis through individual relationships and quests.  So they get me thinking about what’s really important in life, and whether I am someone that […]

The year of 50 has been one of my best years ever.  I confess I’ve noticed the changes in body; aches & pains do show up more often at this time in life.  And there’s a droop of skin under the chin that I can’t appreciate, despite knowing that I have earned every symptom of […]

If we didn’t have friends, we would never leave the house.  We would not get to meet their mothers in tiki restaurants with views of the sunset over the bay and the Emeryville sandpipers massing on the pier. If we didn’t have motorcycles, we would smile less.  We would not live as loudly or fast, […]

If a voice cries out in the cyberness, does it make a sound? Why do people blog?  It’s a pretty big crazy to invite people to be voyeurs of your mind.  Don’t you think? Take the word-press sample title for your first blog.  “Hello world!”  It’s a pretty big assumption to think the world cares. […]